Why Your Business Needs a Website?

Websites are important to Canadians. A 2019 study by CIRA finds that 67% of respondents are likely to transact with a company that has a website. In fact, 3 out of 4 people research a company online before making a purchase decision.
And yet, more than 40% of Canadian small businesses don’t have a website.
As a web design agency helping businesses across Barrie grow their brand presence online, that’s a statistic we’d like to change.
Without a website, your business is invisible to your target audience. If you’re wondering, “Do I really need a business website?”, we have the answers to change your mind.
In this post, our web design specialists in Barrier look at the top five reasons why your business should invest in a website.
Your Customers are Online
In 2019, Canadians spent a lot of time online – using social networks, interacting with governments, reaching out to friends and family, searching for love and jobs and of course for shopping.
About 73% of Canadians spend 3 to 4 hours online every day. In fact, one in five Canadians can’t go more than 8 hours without getting their Internet fix.
We can go on and on sharing more numbers, but you get the point.
People these days use the internet to find information of all kinds. So if you have to reach those customers, you must have a website that shows up in local search and on the top spot of Google search engine results pages (SERPs).
As a leading web design agency in Barrie, we can build a website that not only looks good but also delivers a stellar user experience.
Give Your Business Legitimacy and Credibility
People these days expect businesses to have a website.
Let’s say, Ron gets to know about your business through a friend of a friend, and he has heard some good things about you.
What’s the first thing he’ll do? Ron will look up the internet to find out more about your business. Only to find that you have no real online presence.
Not having a website raises questions about your legitimacy. People start to wonder why you still don’t have a website in 2020. Are you not a technologically savvy business? Perhaps you’re so small a business that you can’t afford a website? And those are the last things you want prospects to wonder about you.
Contact our web design team in Barrie right away to discuss your web design project!
Gain Competitive Advantage
If your business does not have an online presence, all your prospective customers will find them in Google search before you.
Why make it easy for them?
By investing in a professional website, you can set out to outrank them whilst generating customers for your business.
Now that gives your business a competitive advantage over your competitors who don’t have a website yet.
Build Your Brand Presence Online
If you are an established brand, there’s all the more reason to invest in a website. You have put in a ton of your time, effort and money in building your small business. And you are putting your brand at risk by not investing in a website and a branded domain name.
By registering your very own domain, you gain ownership of your brand, allowing you to protect it completely.
A Highly Effective Marketing Tool
Your website is effectively your billboard on the internet.
By having a website, you instantly get another opportunity to introduce your products/services to people. What’s more, it is another great way for people to find you.
Of course, how many people visit your website depends on your efforts on digital marketing strategies such as social media marketing, SEO, PPC, blogging and more.
Building a Website is Easy with Magenta Design
Our web design specialists in Barrie are here to take the hassle and stress out of building your business website. We will take care of every aspect to build a solid website that enhances your online presence in every way. Contact us today for more information or book a consultation to discuss your project.

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