Online Marketing Trends

Online Marketing Trends

What are some online marketing trends to watch for the upcoming year? The constantly shifting technological space has had a huge impact on how businesses promote their products. Online marketing is always evolving to cater to the changing trends in consumer demands. The result is increasing competition amongst brands to win online customers and take the biggest share of the pie.

Here are some online marketing trends to look forward to in 2020:

Video Marketing is Here to Rule

Online Marketing Trends_Video MarketingVideo marketing is going to be an important marketing trend for the next five to ten years. These statistics prove the significance of including video marketing in your online marketing strategy: 

  • 72% of businesses believe video has improved their conversion rates. 
  • 70% of consumers have shared a brand’s video. 
  • 39% of executives call a vendor after watching a video. 
  • 52% of consumers believe watching product videos boosts their confidence in making online purchase decisions. 

Influencer Marketing is the Way Forward

Influencer marketing is a form of word-of-mouth marketing that’s focused on using important leaders to boost your brand message to your consumers. Influencers could be celebrities but they can also be YouTube or Instagram personalities with a huge number of followers. In fact, 63% of consumers implicitly trust the opinions of influencers. 

Social Media Stories are Huge

Ever since Snapchat introduced the concept of “My Story”, all major social media platforms have followed suit with their own version: Instagram & Facebook brought in stories, and even YouTube came up with Reels.  These stories that disappear after a specific period of time offer marketers a wonderful opportunity to leverage FOMO (fear of missing out). Some exciting benefits of social media stories include:

  • Increased traffic to your site
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Cost-effective strategy
  • Constant engagement with your audience
  • Opportunity to reach out to younger audiences

Content Marketing will Continue to Dominate SEO

Online Marketing Trends_Content MarketingIn November 2019, Google introduced some huge updates to its algorithm. One of the biggest updates was the introduction of the BERT system that’s designed to help Google in its efforts to comprehend the natural language used by people in their search queries.  Rather than chasing the next SEO trend, it’s crucial to make sure a website has useful links, fast load speed, and well-written content.  In fact, 88% of B2B content marketers believe that creating content makes their audience view their business as a trusted and credible resource. 


There you go – our brief introduction to some of the most significant digital marketing trends in 2020 you can’t ignore. Change is an integral part of online marketing. So look ahead into the online marketing trends and aim to embrace the evolving strategies, technologies, and tools to make beat your competition.

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